Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wall-e...Four thumbs up!

Yes-it's true! Renee and Meg both give it two thumbs up, so you do the math!

I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but I will say...

See it!


A beautiful film.

Meg and her parents, Christa and Kevin, met us for the late afternoon showing on Saturday. The opening short was hysterical. Honestly, I believe it is the best one that Pixar has done to date.

Then we settled in for 103 minutes of gorgeous animation. Mark and I were touched by not only the visual storytelling and accompanying score, but also the underlying messages. It made us pause and think, and opened up quite a few family discussions over the weekend. That's always a good thing.

And Miss Renee?

She loved Wall-e as much as she thought she would. :)

Oh, and she's got his voice down perfectly!


Tink *~*~* said...

We need a review!

Unknown said...

I agree with Tink!

Alicia =0)

allaboutattitude said...

i heard its pretty good too!

mo said...

Rhiannon does the voice, too! lol