No, The Trip of Coexistence did not end on day two.
Yes, I will try my darndest to finish that tale before creating a new one.
For today, though, I feel a little wacky. And look--it's Wednesday! Since it's been awhile, let's do a Wacky Wednesday post!
Once upon a time, our crazy friend, Nick, shared a story about a woman and a ham. Some of you may have seen the dramatic reenactment by the Miss, but if not, here's the scoop behind the story Nick led us to believe was true.
Wild, far-fetched story.
Although we soon realized it was an urban legend, it was still quite funny to us. We weren't the only ones. To our delight, the day after celebrity chef Paula Deen was hit in the face with a flying ham while helping to pass them out for charity in Atlanta in late 2009, one of our favorite artists, Fred Schneider of The B-52s, released this single, "Who Threw That Ham At Me", as a part of The Superions, a side project of his. If you care to check out the video and song, here you go!
Strange, but hysterical video.
After many years, the Miss has invented her own version of what a 'Who Froo Dat Ham' face would look like. She uses it often in photographs, much to our delight.
Yes, we are bad parents to encourage her. You would, too, if you saw her in action!
She also encourages us to use it as well, as seen here in this Test Track photo.
What? You don't make funny faces while the camera captures the terror of your ride mates?
OMG. When we drive through VA on our way south, we pass a Smithfield ham sign. And I always say, "Who froo dat ham?" For the life of me I couldn't remember where I'd heard it before. LMAO
Lmao! Now, we just need to get the Spawnette to teach you the body language that goes along with quoting it.
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